Ribbon Farms
Airport (FAA identifier WN29) is a privately
owned, private use grass airstrip available for use by members of the
Blue Ribbon Farms Property Owners Association.
Guest aircraft are welcome with prior
permission from a member of the Association. The member granting
permission assumes responsibility for familiarizing the guest with the
airport rules and current runway condition.
number of homes
in the subdivision have hangars, and property owners may also tie their
aircraft down in their yards. Aircraft use of the private roads
in the community is authorized for taxiing to and from the runway.
Information is provided here for transient pilots to assist with safe
and courteous arrivals and departures from the strip.
- Unicom = 122.9
- Elevation = 100' MSL
- Dimensions = 1960' L x 65' W
- GPS = N48° 07.8' W123° 12.3'
- Pattern altitude = 900' MSL
- Runway 07 = left traffic
- Runway 25 = left traffic
- The Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge is just Northeast of
The minimum altitude for over-flight is 2000' MSL
for use of the airstrip
citations in parenthesis reference the BRFPOA
By-Laws. Rules updated as of November 13, 2015 by BRFPOA
Airport Committee.)
- Aircraft
operating from the airstrip will comply with F.A.A. regulations Part
91, "General Operating and Flight Rules, Subpart A, General , and
Subpart B, Flight Rules, specifically paragraphs 91:127 and 91:155.
(Article III, Section 1 2, and Section 6)
- The
airstrip shall be a day use facility. (Article III, Section 2 (c))
- The use
of the airstrip for commercial purposes is not permitted. (Article III,
Section 2 (d)
- Vehicles,
bicycles and livestock are not permitted on the airstrip, except
vehicles used for maintenance purposes. (Article III, Section 2 (e))
- If the
airstrip is used by pedestrians or their pets, they do so at their own
risk, and they shall yield to aircraft at all times. (Article III,
Section 2 (f))
- A
standard left hand pattern shall be used. (Article III, Section 6
(b)). The published
traffic pattern is 900 MSL, which is 800 feet above ground level
(AGL). Explanatory note: FARs recommend but do not require
altitudes of 1000 feet AGL. Terrain is the most common extenuating
circumstance for a nonstandard pattern altitude, and WN29 does have
terrain issues. The risk of turning final at too high an altitude is
substantial for the WN29’s relatively short grass strip. The prevailing
westerly winds favor approaches to the west that touch down close to
the runway threshold nearest Kitchen-Dick road.
FAA guidance on
approaches to airports, as shown in the diagram below, includes a base
leg descent so that the turn to final is not normally at the downwind
leg altitude. Thus property owners on the streets intersecting Kitchen
Dick, such as Bon Jon, Klahhane and Buckhorn roads can expect to see
aircraft in descent.
- Guest
aircraft are welcome with prior permission from a member of the
Association. Guest pilots should be referred to the operating
guidelines on the Blue Ribbon Farm website prior to them operating at
- Pilots
doing multiple landings are encouraged to do full stop landings and
taxi back to the approach end for the next take off.
- No
aerobatics within the traffic pattern.
- No
parachute jumping onto the field.
- WN29
lies in close proximity to the Sequim Valley Airport to the south,
altitude of 1000 feet, and the Rakes Glenn airport to the east. Flying
extended pattern at Blue Ribbon may also conflict with the traffic
pattern at
Rakes Glenn which is also 900 feet MSL.
- The
runway lies just south of the Dungeness National wildlife refuge;
altitude over the refuge is 2000 feet.
- All
aircraft parking and tie down will be on the property of the aircraft
(Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Operations:
These are commonly called DRONES, which includes MODEL AIRPLANES and
encompasses any remotely piloted aerial vehicle.
All FARs (Federal Aviation Regulations) concerning UAS operations will
be complied with. This is the link to the FAA website –
Under current federal regulations any person who wants to operate a UAS
within five miles of an airport must notify the airport in advance. The
contact point for WN29 Blue Ribbon Farms Airport is
As much advanced notification as possible is appreciated.
To safely operate a powered UAS in close proximity to the runway or
runway approaches requires a minimum of two people – one operator and
one observer with an operable handheld radio monitoring 122.9, the
airport’s traffic frequency. A powered UAS operating in proximity to
the runway will land if any aircraft enters the traffic pattern.
- Dogs
that are being walked in the vicinity of the runway must be on a leash,
Clallam County animal control regulations.
- Owners
living along Greywolf Road have access to the runway by using the
easement along Air Court Road. Aircraft may be towed on Greywolf Road,
prior permission from the County Road Department is required, and
vehicles must be road legal. No taxiing of aircraft under their own
power is
permitted on Greywolf Road. The form to request County permission
(which is a
one time submission) can be found here.
Vehicles will give way to aircraft under tow on Greywolf Road.
View, Lands End and Maynard Roads are designated aircraft taxiways. All
vehicles will give way to aircraft at all times.
pilots who rent BRFPOA properties and temporarily base their aircraft
at WN29
must provide to the BRFPOA Board proof of liability insurance coverage
their aircraft for the duration of their rental.
pilots should be considerate of property owners in the community, and
prudent and safe measures to minimize aircraft noise.
- The
final responsibility for the safe conduct of any flight lies with the
pilot in
command (14 CFR 91.3).

- The
prevailing winds usually favor an approach to the West (ie. to Runway
25), as shown here from pattern altitude, and at the left on final
- Try
stay high
and use minimum power until on short final rather than dragging in over
the houses on Lotzgesell Road.
- When
winds are from the East, Runway 07 is preferred as seen
below. Take care to stay high crossing over the edge of the
bluff when winds are high, as there is often a 'waterfall' effect
downdraft at the edge of the bluff. If possible, aim for a
touchdown point about 1/3 of the way down the runway when winds are
strong from the East.

- The
prevailing winds normally dictate a departure to the West on runway 25
while climbing straight out until above pattern altitude (900 feet MSL).
- Try to avoid the
house on the bluff just east of McDonald Creek.

Blue Ribbon Farms Property Owners Association
Box 3141 Sequim, WA 98382